Columbia is Caring…

  • December 9, 2020
  • by Columbia Forest Products

Caring Teams are the backbone of one of the ways team members live out CFP’s purpose of “Significant Service”. Each of our manufacturing facilities have a Caring Team that actively works to serve our team members, their families, and our communities. They look to meet physical and spiritual needs where they can. The team at […]

Wood is Good (for Us!)

  • December 4, 2020
  • by Columbia Forest Products

We’ve heard it before; and anyone who appreciates the wonder of wood knows it instinctively.  But space planners and researchers are coming closer to connecting the dots between having wood in our homes and other interiors, and the well-being it creates, under a concept called “Biophilic Design.” Workplace disruption and re-thinking because of the Covid […]

December 2020 Message From the CEO

  • December 1, 2020
  • by Greg Pray, President and CEO

On behalf of the 2,100 employee owners at Columbia Forest Products, I’d like to thank all our customers, vendors, and business partners for our success this year. For many reasons, 2020 has been a year to remember.  Together, we battled uncertainty around Coronavirus, racial tension, continued import pressures, and election politics to come out much […]

Hardwood Plywood Market Summary and Look Ahead

  • November 20, 2020
  • by Nick Allison, Analytics Manager

The three primary channels of the hardwood plywood market (Distribution, OEM and Retail) behaved very differently in 2020 due to differing reactions to the COVID-19 crisis and the resulting economic shutdowns. Retail hardwood plywood shipments have been extremely strong since COVID-19 hit.  Research from the Farnsworth Group suggests that the net loss in volume from […]


