June 2021 Message from the CEO

  • June 1, 2021
  • by Greg Pray, President and CEO

What Does P2I2 Mean to You? If you’d like to hear more about the CFP we’re building for today and the future, you’re in the right place. We’re here to produce and deliver North America’s most appealing, accessible, responsibly-made and competitively-priced hardwood plywood and veneer we can.  That’s our manufacturing and operations story. But it’s […]

Meet Field Sales Representative, Jan Barnes

  • March 3, 2021
  • by Jan Barnes, Field Sales Representative

I have been in the hardwood plywood industry for almost 35 years.  I began my career with Day Plywood in 1986 learning everything I could from the best in the industry, Ang Schramm.  In October 1992, I left Day Plywood and was blessed with the opportunity to continue my career in sales with Columbia Forest […]

Bouncing (and giving) back…

  • March 2, 2021
  • by Columbia Forest Products

Columbia’s Purpose Statement is “Significant Service.”  And “We are Family” is one of our Core Values.  (Along with Customer Service, Absolute Integrity and Share the Success). We’re proud of the actions our people take to live out these values, and wanted to expose you to a story that illustrates what we mean. People react to […]

March 2021 Message from the CEO

  • March 1, 2021
  • by Greg Pray, President and CEO

When it rains, it pours! A truckload of Columbia wood showing up at a customer’s location might seem like a pretty cut-and-dry event…the logical, straightforward conclusion of an order placed with us a few weeks earlier. But every truck is like a little miracle that comes together.  And 2021 is already indicating that we will […]


