Memphremagog Phragmite Removal

  • September 9, 2021
  • by Columbia Forest Products

It’s a mouthful, and a lot of hard work, but last month, a dedicated team from our Newport, Vermont veneer facility’s Caring Team and other members of management got busy clearing invasive phragmites (water reeds) from the shores of Lake Memphremagog.  This was part of an organized community effort to address the adverse effect of these plants along the 31 mile-long lake, which spans the border between Vermont and Ontario, Canada, and […]

Economic Focus: Voice of the Customer

  • September 8, 2021
  • by Nick Allison, Analytics Manager

Nearly eight years ago, Columbia Forest Products (CFP) endeavored to learn more about the tens of thousands of cabinet makers, millworkers and craftspeople (“shops”) served by our distribution customers.  It was part of our “Voice of the Customer” strategy.  We had good relationships with our distributors, and a working knowledge of their material needs, but we wanted to understand why […]

September 2021 Message from Our CEO

  • September 7, 2021
  • by Greg Pray, President and CEO

Serving our Natural Resources  Significant Service is what gets us up in the morning and guides our every move and decision.  In the last issue, I touched on our “P2/I2” graphic and the meaning that’s built into it.  It’s there to remind us about the role of People, Partnerships, Innovation and Improvement in Columbia’s daily and ongoing operations.  This time, […]

Columbia details PureBond ingredients with an “ingredient” label

  • June 5, 2021
  • by Paul Davis, Compliance, Risk and Certification Manager

We Declare! As consumers, we are all familiar with the ingredient labels on food products for informed decision-making. And today, we all understand plywood is an important “ingredient” in home interiors including the cabinets and built-ins in rooms like the kitchen, around which family life revolves. A new ingredient labeling program helps consumers understand what […]


